Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cross the Border

What is it about certain things that keep us from what we are searching for? Why can't we just walk over and ask for what we need, how hard is that? In our tspirituality, what keeps from redeeming ourself to Christ. Is it the fact,that we can't see him, hear him, talk to him, in a mortal way? We can, he speaks through others to us.

Recently, I started a Beth Moore bible study, Breaking Free. Just when I thought that this woman could not get anymore amazing, interesting, or closer to my heart, I start this bible study, and realized, WAIT! Its much deeper then just her preaching to us. Its her preaching to us that we need to understand the basic fundamentals of why Christ was born, died, and was risen? It comes down to this phrase, "You cannot experience healing without being wounded". Exactly as Christ did, he experienced all of our pain, suffering, wounds, etc. in order for us to be healed. Another great phrase, "Sometimes the only time someone will look up, is when they are at the bottom".

Pondering a bit, "the bottom" could be at varying levels, it could be to the lowest point in your life to a minor problem you are trying to deal with. It doesn't always have to be a dramatic means to your suffering, many times, its that "a ha" moment that you realize, Ok Lord, I see what's going on.......

So, I will cross the border, over to him, because he does not care about my past, or sins I have made, he does not care what I wear, where I live, how I dress, whether I was raised a Christian, all he cares about is that I've made the strive to come into his presence.

I am looking forward to crossing that border on Sunday, as I will receive my adult baptism. Looking forward to a new beginning. :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm so happy to hear (well, read) this, amanda!! I'll continue to pray for you, my sister in christ! I love this bible study too! <3 see you sunday!~
